Manual of Cardiovascular Medicine Fourth Edition

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Inside the Fourth Edition of the Manual of Cardiovascular Medicine, you’ll find practical and effective approaches to common clinical syndromes—including clear guidance on administration of commonly prescribed medications and descriptions of proven therapeutic procedures. This best selling manual’s concise outline format and colorful design make essential facts easy to find. An ideal reference for the resident, fellow, practicing cardiologist, or nurse-practitioner treating patients with cardiovascular disease.
Skill-building features include…
• Authoritative perspectives let you benefit from the experienced staff and fellows at the Cleveland Clinic
• Concise overview of cardiology helps build a firm grasp of fundamental cardiovascular anatomy, physiology, and pathology
• Comprehensive section on cardiovascular procedures includes expert tips for improving performance and outcomes
• Evidence-based approach to diagnosis and management explains the ‘how’ and ‘why’ behind critical decisions
• Suggested reading at the end of each chapter provides guideposts for further investigation
NEW to the 4th Edition…
• Examples added of key electrocardiographic tracings for quick reference
• New chapters cover diabetes and cardiovascular disease, pulmonary hypertension, systemic disease and the heart, management of TAVR patients, and troubleshooting LVADs
• Updated content reflects the latest advances in cardiovascular medicine—including percutaneous aortic valve replacement and left ventricular assist device management
• Quick-reference list of common formulae helps you find vital information in seconds
“I would recommend this book highly. It is comprehensive yet concise. It is a pleasure to read and easy-to-use. The format is ideal with excellent illustrations and very clear diagrams and ECGs of high quality. The tables summarizing points in the text are very useful for quick and easy reference. The subjects are covered in a clinically useful way with chapters on for example ‘syncope’ and ‘evaluation of chest pain in the emergency unit’ which would help the trainee cardiologist in their day-to-day practice. There is also a large section on cardiac procedures which would be useful to the trainee and in fact covers the essential detail more clearly than some larger textbooks.” — BMA Medical Book Award reviewer, 2013 BMA Medical Book Awards
Download this book free here
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