Managing Long-term Conditions and Chronic Illness in Primary Care: A Guide to Good Practice 2nd Edition

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Effective management of long-term conditions is an essential part of contemporary nursing policy and practice. Systematic and evidence-based care which takes account of the expert patient and reduces unnecessary hospital admissions is vital to support those with long-term conditions/chronic diseases and those who care for them.
Reflecting recent changes in treatment, the nurse’s role and the patient journey and including additional content on rehabilitation, palliative care, and non-medical prescribing, this fully updated new edition highlights the key issues in managing long-term conditions. It provides a practical and accessible guide for nurses and allied health professionals in the primary care environment and covers:
– the physical and psychosocial impact of long-term conditions
– effective case management
– self-management and the expert patient
– behavioural change strategies and motivational counselling
– telehealth and information technology
– nutritional and medication management.
Packed with helpful, clearly written information, Managing Long-term Conditions and Chronic Illness in Primary Care includes case studies, fact boxes and pointers for practice. It is ideal reading for pre- and post-registration nursing students taking modules on long-term conditions, and will be a valuable companion for pre-registration students on community placements.
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