Lippincott’s Q&A Review for NCLEX-RN (Lippincott’s Review Series) Eleventh, Revised Reprint Edition

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The 11th edition of Lippincott’s Q&A Review for NCLEX-RN provides the highest-quality practice questions, detailed rationales, and preparation strategies needed to succeed on the NCLEX-RN® examination. This revised reprint has been updated to ensure that content will help both U.S. and Canadian students to succeed on the licensure examination, with enhanced laboratory values, medication information, and diversity representation.
The practice tests are organized into four major content areas: obstetrics, pediatrics, medical-surgical, and mental health nursing, and are followed by 6 comprehensive tests with a random selection of questions from all content areas. Other features include rationales for both incorrect and correct answers choices, all the types of alternate-format questions found on the NCLEX, an overview of the licensing examination, test-taking strategies for each question format, and study tips, including instructions for creating a personal study plan. In addition, there is a CD-ROM containing questions that allow students to practice test-taking skills in both a study and review mode, as well as student and instructor resources on thePoint.
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