Knowledge Management, Business Intelligence, and Content Management: The IT Practitioner’s Guide 1st Edition

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Knowledge management (KM) is the identification and analysis of available and required knowledge, and the subsequent planning and control of actions, to develop “knowledge assets” that enable businesses to generate profits and improve their competitive positions. This volume provides the framework for the strategic use of the information intelligence processes – business intelligence, content management, and knowledge management.
In nine detailed chapters, the author explains every facet of these three subjects, enabling you to understand these sophisticated business concepts within the framework of information technology.
Knowledge Management, Business Intelligence, and Content Management: The IT Practitioner’s Guide discusses creation, protection, development, sharing, and management of information and intellectual assets through the use of business intelligence and other knowledge sharing and analytical techniques.
About the Author
Jessica Keyes is president of New Art Technologies, Inc., a high-technology and management consultancy, and is also founding partner of Manhattan Technology Group. Often a keynote speaker on the topics of competitive strategy, productivity, and quality, she is a founding board of directors member of the New York Software Industry Association, and has recently completed a 2-year term on the Mayor of New York City’s Small Business Advisory Council. A noted columnist and correspondent, Keyes is the author of 19 books, including Auerbach Publications’ Software Engineering Handbook, Software Configuration Management, and Implementing the IT Balanced Scorecard.
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