Introduction to Forensic Chemistry 1st Edition

Introduction to Forensic Chemistry 1st Edition

Introduction to Forensic Chemistry 1st Edition

Forensic chemistryis a subdiscipline of forensic science, its principles guide the analyses performed in modern forensic laboratories. Forensic chemistry’s roots lie in medico-legal investigation, toxicology and microscopy and have since led the development of modern forensic analytic techniques and practices for use in a variety of applications.

Introduction to Forensic Chemistry is the perfect balance of testing methods and application. Unlike other competing books on the market, coverage is neither too simplistic, nor overly advanced making the book ideal for use in both undergraduate and graduate courses. The book introduces chemical tests, spectroscopy, advanced spectroscopy, and chromatography to students. The second half of the book addresses applications and methods to analyze and interpret controlled substances, trace evidence, questioned documents, firearms, explosives, environmental contaminants, toxins, and other topics. The book looks at innovations in the field over time including the latest development of new discernible chemical reactions, instrumental tools, methods, and more.





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