Infectious Diseases: A Geographic Guide 1st Edition

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This concise and practical guide describes infections in geographical areas and provides information on disease risk, concomitant infections (such as co-prevalence of HIV and tuberculosis) and emerging bacterial, viral and parasitic infections in a given geographical area of the world.

Infectious Diseases: A Geographic Guide is divided according to United Nations world regions and addresses geographic disease profiles, presenting symptoms and incubation periods of infections. Each chapter contains a section on the coverage of the childhood vaccination programs in the countries included in that region. Chapters also include descriptions of infectious disease risk and problems with resistant bacteria in each region (e.g. antibiotic resistance in Salmonella infections in Southeast Asia).

For the clinician, this book is a tool to generate differential diagnoses by considering the geographical history, as well the presenting symptoms and duration of illness. For the travel medicine specialist, this book provides information on risks of different diseases at various destinations and is particularly useful in advising long-term travelers.

From the Back Cover

This concise and practical guide describes infections in geographical areas and provides information on disease risk, concomitant infections (such as co-prevalence of HIV and tuberculosis) and emerging bacterial, viral and parasitic infections in a given geographical area of the world.

Infectious Diseases: A Geographic Guide is divided according to United Nations world regions and addresses geographic disease profiles, presenting symptoms and incubation periods of infections. Each chapter contains a section on the coverage of the childhood vaccination programs in the countries included in that region. Chapters also include descriptions of infectious disease risk and problems with resistant bacteria in each region (e.g. antibiotic resistance in Salmonella infections in Southeast Asia).

For the clinician, this book is a tool to generate differential diagnoses by considering the geographical history, as well the presenting symptoms and duration of illness. For the travel medicine specialist, this book provides information on risks of different diseases at various destinations and is particularly useful in advising long-term travelers.



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