High Yield Imaging: Gastrointestinal: Expert Consult – Online and Print, 1e (HIGH YIELD in Radiology) 1 Har/Psc Edition

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This state-of-the-art Gastrointestinal title in the brand-new High-Yield Imaging series is ideally designed to let you quickly look up a diagnosis, confirm your suspicion, and move on to the next case. Renowned authorities, Drs. Gore and Levine, present 350 GI diagnoses, 1,200 optimally sized multi-modality clinical images, and at-a-glance bulleted text, to help you efficiently and accurately diagnose any GI disorder. A full-color design along with a consistent organization makes reference a snap. And, at expertconsult.com you’ll have easy access to the full text online as well as all of the book’s images for enhanced visual guidance.
- Features online access to the full text and all the illustrations from the book, with links to Medline, for easy referencing in the viewing room.
- Covers 350 GI diagnoses allowing you to diagnose a broader spectrum of conditions.
- Offers all the information necessary to provide referring physicians with the complete, actionable reports they need.
- Presents more than 1,200 optimally sized multi-modality clinical images to help you recognize the characteristic appearance of both common and uncommon GI disorders.
- Structures every chapter consistently to include Findings, Imaging Modalities, Clinical Presentation, Pathology, Incidence/Prevalence and Epidemiology, What the Referring Physician Needs to Know, Suggested Readings, and Selected Images to make reference fast and easy.
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