Frameworks for Internal Medicine First Edition

Frameworks for Internal Medicine First Edition
Introducing an innovative, systematic approach to understanding differential diagnosis, Frameworks for Internal Medicine helps students and other learners think like clinicians and master the methodology behind diagnosing the most commonly encountered conditions in internal medicine.
This highly visual resource uses a case-based, Q&A-style format to build frameworks that guide learners through each step in the differential diagnosis process. These unique frameworks not only equip learners for success during internal medicine clerkships, rotations, and residencies, but also help ensure more confident differential diagnoses in clinical settings.
- An innovative framework system presents an organized, logical approach to differential diagnosis unlike any other resource.
- A straightforward, case-based, Q&A-style format guides learners through the differential diagnosis step-by-step, teaching clinical pearls along the way.
- Cases in each chapter launch discussions of 50 of the most commonly encountered clinical problems in the field of internal medicine.
- Detailed introduction and robust appendix equip resident educators with valuable teaching assistance.
- Completed Frameworks included on line in a digital format provide an ideal mobile reference for students and residents on wards.
- eBook available for purchase. Fast, smart, and convenient, today’s eBooks can transform learning. These interactive, fully searchable tools offer 24/7 access on multiple devices, the ability to highlight and share notes, and more
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