Clinician’s Pocket Drug Reference, 2011 2nd Edition

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Exactly what you need to know about 1000 of the most commonly used medications
“This pocket guide presents a tremendous amount of information on some 1,000 medications in a compact format. 3 Stars.”–Doody’s Review Service
Praise for the last edition:
“A big plus is the herbal section, which lists the medicines patients are most likely to try on their own, presented in the same layout as the rest of the book….For its size, this book is a valuable re¬source. It takes up very little pocket room, and it is an efficient way to recall details about familiar drugs.”–Yale Journal of Biology & Medicine
Proving that sometimes less text can deliver more information, this super-concise guide covers more than one thousand of the most commonly used medications. Organized alphabetically by generic drug name, Clinician’s Pocket Drug Reference zeros-in on must-know information such as selection and administration, mechanisms of action, dosage, cautions, contraindications, and side effects.
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