Clinical Endocrinology and Diabetes at a Glance
Clinical Endocrinology and Diabetes at a Glance
Recognising a need to promote and enhance teaching of clinical endocrinology and diabetes in UK medical schools, the Society for Endocrinology, in collaboration with Diabetes UK and the Association of British Clinical Diabetologists, created a national curriculum that sets out the minimum recommended standards for undergraduate medical education.
Clinical Endocrinology and Diabetes at a Glance corresponds to the curriculum and covers all important areas of diabetes and endocrinology in a clinically relevant and concise manner, with complementary figures to ensure principles are explained clearly. It highlights key practical skills for undergraduates in line with the GMC recommendations that medical graduates should be well prepared for their Foundation posts. There is also emphasis on the importance of multidisciplinary teams in the management of endocrine diseases and diabetes. These include sections on structured education programmes, psychosocial aspects, and patient self-management and monitoring.
Clinical Endocrinology and Diabetes at a Glance will serve as a valuable resource for medical students and junior doctors treating patients with these conditions.
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