Anesthesiology Examination and Board Review 7/E (McGraw-Hill Specialty Board Review) 7th Edition

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The Single-Best Review for the American Board of Anesthesiology Written Examinations―Completely Updated to Reflect the New Exam Format
Anesthesiology Examination and Board Review is the most time-proven and effective way to prepare for the ABA written examinations. This powerful study guide delivers 1,500 board-style multiple-choice questions with referenced, paragraph-length discussions for each answer. Anesthesiology Examination and Board Review has been completely redesigned and rewritten to reflect the new exam format. Like the exam, this edition is divided into two parts: Basic and Advanced, each concluding with a practice test. There is no better way for you to boost your test-taking skills, subject knowledge, and confidence than this essential study partner.
- 1,500 board-style questions with fully explained, referenced answers
- New information from the American Board of Anesthesiology on changes to the certification and recertification process and requirements
- Complete coverage of the entire field of anesthesiology
- Two comprehensive practice tests that mimic the actual exams and allow you to test your skill at answering questions under simulated exam conditions
- Valuable test-taking strategies
- New questions that reflect the latest research and advances
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