Kidney Disease: A Guide for Living 1st Edition


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Walter A. Hunt knows what it means to live with kidney disease. Here, he shares his experience and knowledge to help other people with the disease understand and cope with its challenges.

When Hunt learned he had kidney disease, he was overwhelmed by the prospect of facing kidney failure. He had so many questions: Why are my kidneys failing? Is there anything I can do to save them? How will I know when my kidneys have failed? What will it feel like? What treatments are available for me? Is there a cure for kidney failure?

The good news, as Hunt found out, is that kidney failure is highly treatable. People with the disease can lead full and productive lives, and Hunt’s readable and empathetic book will help them do just that. It discusses the latest scientific and medical findings about kidney disease, including what kidneys do; the underlying diseases that cause failure; diagnosis, treatment, and prevention; dietary factors; clinical trials; and the future direction of research on kidney failure.

Kidney disease is difficult, but as Hunt’s narrative reveals, people living with it can take control of their health and their future. By understanding kidney failure―what causes it, how it may affect their lives, and what treatment options they have―people with the disease can improve their quality of life and achieve the best possible outcome.



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